Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Current Events and Scientific Inquiry

It is beneficial to approach almost any problem with a method for finding a solution. Whether the issue is an oil spill, planning for natural disasters (like hurricanes and earthquakes) or identifying meteorites, there are situations every day that require thinking individuals to be involved.

Identify a current issue that would be easy to apply scientific inquiry to a solution to problem. Use the URL link to the story and describe what steps have been taking to reach a conclusion.


  1. Hygroelectricity Research
    This research will relieve some of the dependency on fossil fuels AND help with protecting life and properties from lightning damage. The research suggests that there may be a way to harvest electrical energy from lightning storms in locations that have high humidity.

  2. Oil Spill Clean Up Research
    This research will provide better remote sensing and detecting of oil spills, as well as more effective and potent chemical dispersants. This research could also provide better recovery training; and improve deep-water clean up, such as operations on the open ocean.

  3. Global Warming
    Research will find reliable ways to replace greenhouse gas producing energys. The research suggests regulation all sources of greenhouse gases over the next decade. They plan to make modifications to the existing plants produceing greenhouse gases.

  4. Acid Rain Cleanup
    Acid Rain is a huge environmental problem today. To help reverse the damage done by acid deposition lime has been added to streams and lakes. Many industrial plants are beginning to wash coals that power their plants so that many surface pollutants can be removed. Some factories are also only using coals with low sulfur content. They are taking these steps to reduce the amount of pollutants leaving their chimneys.

  5. Air Pollution Control

    Air Pollution has been an environmental problem for a while, locally and world-wide. Many people have been thinking of ways to control the air pollution. Some came up with two ways; the input and output control. Input control is simply preventing air pollution before it can happen. Some examples of input control is using less energy and reducing waste. Output control is fixing the mess, as in cleaning up. Input control works a lot better and is less expensive. By using these control plans, they make the air on Earth more cleaner.

  6. Solar Power Systems

    Our dependency on non-renewable resoures has robbed our future energy reserves. A leading manufacturer, JA Solar has developed a solar cell module that will supply 29 megawatts of electricity for residential, commercial, and utility-scale power generation.

  7. Fresh Water Pollution

    Fresh water resources are very important when it comes to human needs. Many health problems in small developing countries have been caused by poor water quality. In our world there are many things causing the pollution to the water, and sewage is one of them.
    About 90% of sewage is discharged directly into rivers and lakes and without special treatment the sewage stays in the water tainting it. There are many things being done to maintain our freshwater supply and this research will help us in finding more.

  8. Electric Cars

    Each and everyday we tend to burn coal because we use so much of electricity. Whether we use it in our homes, schools, or on our jobs, less people seem to conserve it. When reading this article I began thinking on the unique thoughts of the actual designer. I have never heard of an electric race car. It is used just like a toy jeep that kids ride in for fun. Well that's exactly what this car is, instead it's for adults. The race car has to be recharged in order for it to operate as well. I know that there is not enough coal to keep producing electricity, so I figured that if the designer would rethink his design considering the fact that coal is limited he/she will help our planet by conserving energy. What about a battery operated vehicle? It wouldn't burn as much coal as it would have if it were charged in an outlet.

  9. Re-usable Shopping Bags

    Everyday, millions of paper and plastic bags are used when we go to the grocery store. On top of that, most of these bags are thrown away instead of recycled. These bags that are being thrown into land composts are two of the worst materials for the enviornment because it takes hundreds of years for them to break down. The next time we go to the grocery store, we could make a huge difference by just picking up a few re-usable grocery bags. When thousands of the people shopping each day do this, it can make a change. This article is a very hepful resource that can help us be kinder to our enviornment by just making simple changes to our every day lives.

  10. Wind Turbines

    Do we only have to obtain energy from water or solar energy? No! We can use wind turbines. We can harvest energy from wind. Wind turbines have 3 propellers or blades and are very cost-efficient. Wind turbines were founded in Denmark in 1986. They can be a great way to generate energy.

  11. Electric Scooters

    Many people are concerned about how much gas money they are spending on thier cars, that the company Current Motors is introducing a new line of all electric scooters that will keep you away from the gas pump. These scooters will be about 1 cent per gallon. And will eliminate any pollution your cars would have released.

  12. Energy Saving

    How can you save energy in your home? If you stop winter drafts from coming under your door, your house will be much warmer. Even with your door tightly closed, winter drafts can still come in under doors and run your electric bill up from using the heat so much. If you place something like a rolled towel in front of your door, it will stop that cold air from coming in under your door and will reduce the amount of energy needed to stay warm.

  13. Polar Ice Cap Melting
    Because of the latest snowfall in places like greenland and Antarctica, many new ice caps are forming. But, do to global warming they are melting faster. The cause of the melting is a warming gas, called methane, which is trapped in the tundra. With new technology maybe the gas can be some how harvested from the ground to stop the release and the caps will stop melting.

  14. Hurricane Preparation
    Being unprepared for a hurricane can leave people stranded and in distress. It is important to listen to the local media and take the warnings seriously and prepare for you and your family. You can go on many websites to find out what to have on hand in case of poweroutages, water shortage etc. Stores have emergency lists as well for people to use. Some of these things are:First aid kit, batteries, radio, flashlights, water, non-perishable food, prescription medicines, and many more. Maybe with this insight people will be more prepared for the aftermath of a hurricane.

  15. If We Didn't Use So Much Electricity There Would Be Less Nuclear Powerplants!
    The average household has between 10 to 30 electric appliances, in recent stuides they have learned the 10-30% are inactive or on standby. Germany currently uses 17 power plants alone 2 of them are needed to produce useless standby power for appliances. There needs to be a change soon guys

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  17. Hybrid Cars
    Hybrid cars are the way to go in the economy that we have now. Every time someone starts a regular gas car up it is putting small holes in our ozone layer. Hte reason for this is because gas puts off strong fumes that goes straight to the ozone. With a hybrid car you are not putting holes in the ozone layer and it also saves you money when you are traveling. That being said we need to make a change to help our ozone and also our money remember hybrid is the way to go.

  18. Earth Quake Preparedness
    This article states that you should make A survival kit per person if you live in or near places that have frequent or common Earthquakes. In each survival kit you should have the following items: a dozen or so disposable dust masks - there will be a lot of dust and airborne bacteria from decaying bodies
    1 roll of toilet paper, 2 candles, matches, 4 safety pins, a pen, a small knife, $20.00 (or more) in cash, 3-5 meters of strong string,
    spoon, plastic bowl with lid, 1 liter of bottled water and a water filtration straw,
    and 1 package of dry biscuits or crackers.
    Heavy winter clothes. If an Earthquake has just occured you need to seek help and not stay where you are because lack of support. Hopefully this information will prepare people for future earthquakes.

  19. Planning for Natural Disasters(Hurricanes)

    When you live on the coastlines of the Eastern part United States, you have to be prepared for hurricanes. Hurricanes do a lot of damage on the coastline where there is many condos and houses on stilts, for example the Barrier islands. They also destroy regular sections in the east. This is why you need to be prepared for hurricanes. If you see that there is a hurricane forming that can possibly hit your town/city, then that's when you need to start getting prepared. Your first option is to know if you are going to evacuate or not. When you do evacuate you will have to set a place where you are going and time when you will be leaving. Then your next is to board your windows at your home whether you evacuate or not. Finally, if you aren't going to evacuate, then you need to supply yourself with canned goods and water. That's why you should be prepared for natural disasters.
